for a Clean

Bringing Environmental Justice and Corporate Accountability to Vermont Communities Since 1999

About Us
Vermonters for a Clean Environment is a statewide grassroots organization and non-profit corporation. We believe that Vermont’s economic health depends on its environmental health.

VCE was founded in 1999 by citizens in southwestern Vermont who joined together to deal with an inappropriate industrial development project. VCE’s members now come from all over Vermont.
Join Vermonters for a Clean Environment
You Can Make a Difference!
You Can Make a Difference!
Join Vermonters for a Clean Environment

 We’re pleased to make our annual contribution to the important work VCE continues to provide to VT communities. There’s no one else who does what you do — and sadly the need seems to be increasing despite Vermont’s green reputation. I sleep better knowing you’re working on behalf of all of us who care about a healthy and sustainable place to live. 

Tom Long-time supporter

 Thank you for all you do! 

Many VCE members appreciative Vermonters

 Just wanting to thank all of you for the enormous impact you have on protecting Vermont and Vermonters from unwanted, harmful development. All of you are sometimes the only entity standing in the way of powerful corporations which do not take into consideration the values which we hold dear. All of you are appreciated more than you know. 

Beverly and Bob community members

Join VCE

Vermonters for a Clean Environment is a membership organization.  

Join us and support our work with your donation

via Paypal

or print and fill out this form and mail it with your check to 
VCE, 789 Baker Brook Road, Danby, VT  05739.  

VCE is a 501(c)3 organization. Your donations are tax-deductible. 
Members receive two newsletters a year and occasional email updates.

Thank you for your joining us!

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  •  3/26/2025 06:30 PM
  • Online Event

Trying to make sense of terms like “ecological forestry,” “climate-smart forestry” and “exemplary forestry” in the context of the climate and extinction crises? Wondering how these terms square with calls to protect more forest as wildlands? Join ecologists Bart Bouricius, Cheryl Joy Lipton and Bill Stubblefield for a deep dive into the effects of logging on forests. We’ll explore narratives coming from the timber industry, government agencies, and some academics that suggest our forests can only be made healthy by cutting them, and the myth that simply letting our forests develop naturally is irresponsible. We’ll cover the science of the climate, biodiversity, and hydrological impacts of timber harvesting, compare natural disturbances to those caused by logging, and give you the backstory on how timber industry myths have developed over time.

  •  3/27/2025 07:00 PM
  •   Vergennes Opera House, 120 Main Street, Vergennes, VT 05491

The public hearing will be held on Thursday, March 27, 2025, in-person, at the Vergennes Opera House, 120 Main Street, Vergennes, VT 05491. The Public Hearing will begin at 7:00 P.M., or immediately following a presentation at 6:00 P.M. hosted by the Vermont Department of Public Service where Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. will describe the amendment and answer questions about project details. All petition materials are available online at in Case #25-0055-PET.

  •  3/31/2025 11:00 AM
  •   Camels Hump Conference Room, Agency of Natural Resources, 1 National Life Dr, Montpelier, VT 05620

Climate council agenda with link to join meeting

  •  4/10/2025 05:30 PM
  • Online Event

Page with link to register and attend virtual meeting

  • Danby, VT, USA
  • Office Open by Appointment