After Governor Shumlin was inaugurated, VCE sent a letter to Gov. Shumlin, copied to ANR Secretary Deb Markowitz, requesting a seat at the table for the wind panel. Sec. Markowitz responded within a week:
On Jan 16, 2011, at 8:23 AM, Markowitz, Deb wrote:
“THanks Annette – I am not aware of such a task force – but I would be happy to sit down with you when you are in the area. Deb, Deb Markowitz, Secretary, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources”
On Friday, Feb. 11, VCE received a response from Governor Shumlin informing us that there is no task for or panel, that ANR Sec. Markowitz will be making that decision, and contrary to what he said during the campaign, only the host town should have a say in the decision to accept wind. Forget the neighboring towns, forget the neighbors, no compensation for them. It’s almost as if Green Mountain Power’s Mary Powell wrote this letter.