Governor Shumlin’s advisory committee, commission or council (not sure what they’re calling it, no information has been posted) met for the first time on Wednesday, March 30 (at the same time the Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee held a public hearing on energy planning) from 5 – 8 p.m.  The group will meet quarterly.  At its first meeting, they shared ideas about energy planning and brainstormed about the energy plan.  Question:  Are their meetings Open Meetings?
Committee members
Arthur Berndt, Chair.  Maverick Lloyd Foundation
Monte Fisher, Hardwick Agriculture
Greg O’Brien, Worth Mountain Consulting
Joan Richmond Hall, Vermont Technical College
Bill Stetson, producer
Jeff Shields, Vermont Law School
Crea Lintilhac, Lintilhac Foundation, CLF and VPIRG board member
Charlie Kierker, Fresh Tracks
Nancy Bell, Conservation Fund
Kinny Perot, VNRC board chair
Mary Powell, Green Mountain Power
Jan Blittersdorf, NRG Systems
Rob Woolmington, attorney
Dori Wolfe, GroSolar
Paul Bruhn, Preservation Trust of Vermont
Mary Watzin, UVM’s Rubenstein Environmental School
Scott Johnstone, VEIC
Brian Dunkiel, attorney
Ben Rose, Wilderness Society
John Warshow, hydro owner, wind developer
Ernie Pomerleau, real estate
Paul Burns VPIRG
Elizabeth Courtney VNRC
Chuck Ross, Secretary of Agriculture
Deb Markowitz, Secretary of Agency of Natural Resources
Elizabeth Miller, Commissioner of Department of Public Service
Larry Miller, Commissioner of Economic Development
Alex McLean, Administration
Ali Richards, Policy Advisor to Governor
Bill Lofy, Administration staff
Shana Trombley
Kitty Sweet
Judy Bruneau