Here’s a 3 minute and 50 second video that is a compilation of photos of the Sheffield First Wind construction site, in chronological order beginning Sept. 2010 through July 23, 2011.


Vermont’s DEC says the site is a model of how to do things right.  What do you think?

This video is a compilation of photographs taken by interested Vermonters by air and on the ground, and from Erosion Prevention Sediment Control (EPSC) reports prepared by First Wind’s stormwater expert VHB filed with the state and obtained through public records requests, and there are a few photos taken by ANR stormwater staff.

The state files do not contains photographs of the streams. VCE asked why the reports that are about protecting the water quality of the streams do not contain photos of the streams. The answer from ANR General Counsel is:

“With regard to the Sheffield project, in addition the EPSC reports I have sent, you have asked why the EPSC report does not contain any information or photos about the streams. I spoke with the WQD about your question. I have been informed that the EPSC reports focus on the construction occurring at the site at a particular time, and the practices being employed to control erosion. The reports do not require photographs of all streams affected by the project. The WQD staff did note that the construction stormwater permit requires all discharges in violation of the permit be reported.”

“Discharges in violation of the permit” require only one value: 25 n.t.u. Vermont’s Water Quality Standards to protect trout streams is 10 n.t.u., and to protect water quality pH and Temperature and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) should also be monitored and reported. ANR’s permit does not require monitoring for anything other than sediment at 25 n.t.u.