Welcome to Vermont, the Green Mountain Power State
Vermont is Open For Business
Beneficiary in Chief
One Stop Shopping
Want to Build on Top of Our Mountains? Let us fly you over — for free — so you can pick out which mountain to destroy next.
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/26838043]
You’ll need a consultant to get all your permits. You can hire just one expert to meet all your compliance needs. We’ll even let him write your permits for you!
Worried about those pesky members of the public and Vermont’s reputation for being a difficult place to do business? Not any more!! We aren’t afraid to tell the public that we disagree with them. Public, what public? We don’t have to listen to no darn public.
We make sure they don’t know what we’re talking about behind closed doors, and we definitely don’t have time to meet with their experts, except well maybe a perfunctory meeting, but we assure you we will not let you down. We are here to serve our customers, the business community.
As for our reputation as a “green” state, we’ve gotten away with keeping just how bad we are at enforcing anything pretty well under wraps, so you can get permits to do all kinds of things you would never have thought possible. We don’t care about water, except Lake Champlain and what’s near Vermont Yankee, so as long as you keep your damage in rural areas away from where any important politicians live, you’ll be fine.
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/26833522]
Just make sure you meet with the right people early on, that’s the only way to get anything done in this state. As long as you know who to talk to and where to put your resources, you’re all set. We highly recommend that you volunteer to serve on all kinds of important boards, and by all means make sure you have the ear of the governor. Promise jobs, that’s all it takes. Oh, and if you can throw in greenhouse gas emission reduction — don’t worry, you won’t have to prove anything you say — you’re gold.
But if you need proof, we just showed what we can do:
Agency approves water quality permits for Kingdom Community Wind Project
Lowell Wind Project Receives Key Permits
We Deliver on Our Promises!