Links to other websites and videos of interest to VCE members
Lowell Wind, Mountain Talk
Deerfield Wind, PSB Compliance Filings
Standing Trees
Vermont’s Energy Options Documentary
Energize Vermont youtube videos
Energize Vermont Vimeo videosI
Ira Wind videos
Industrial Wind and Georgia Mountain
Lowell Mountain Group videos
Catamount Lowell on youtube videos
Catamount Lowell on Vimeo videos
Lowell Mountain Occupation videos
Seneca Mountain and Lowell videos
Rally against the Lowell Wind project video
Sunday Rutland Herald/Times Argus, June 24, 2001 A natural warrior
Pipeline and OMYA foe Annette Smith gets inspiration from the land
Associated Press, April 1, 2001, A bit of Florida Danby woman is growing lemons and limes in a greehouse surrounded by snow
Vermont Farm Women – Book by Peter Miller, October 5, 2002
Environment: All the Marble, Time Magazine, November 4, 2002
Vermont Public Radio, Vermont Edition, April 29, 2014 Power And The People: Citizen's Role In Energy Projects
Vermont Woman, September 14, 2014 Two Women Center Wind Energy’s VortexSmith, A Voice for Vermonters
Associated Press, January 31, 2016 In Vermont, thorn in side of powerful faces criminal probe
Seven Days Vermont, February 10, 2016 Annette Smith Is a Lightning Rod in the Renewable-Energy Debate
Burlington Free Press, January 2, 2017 Vermonter of the Year: Annette Smith
VTDigger, December 3, 2019 Longtime activist turns focus on state’s Transportation and Climate Initiative
Vermont Interactive Map Viewer
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Biofinder
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Atlas
Act 174 Energy Planning Constraint Layers
Vermont Potential Solar PV SHW and Ground Mount Resources
Vermont Boundaries and Jurisdictions
Vermont Municipal Climate Change Vulnerability Indicators Tool
Some Adopted Municipal Solar Siting Ordinances
Solar in Vermont and Electric Power & Grid Data & Mapping
Green Mountain Power Solar Map
Green Mountain Power 3-Phase Map
Vermont Electric Co-Op Grid Map