
VCE advocates for the wellbeing of all Vermonters, striving for the protection of the natural world: land, air, water, wildlife, people, and especially the web of life.

We unite to pursue the common goals of encouraging economic development with minimal environmental impacts and preserving Vermont’s natural beauty.

We inspire and engage citizens in longterm planning for sustainable economic, environmental, telecom and energy policies that will benefit Vermont communities and Mother Earth.

Annette Smith

Executive Director

Leading VCE since 1999, Annette provides facts and information so people can make informed decisions, guides Vermonters to participate effectively in town and regulatory processes with persistence and integrity.

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John Brabant

Regulatory Affairs Director

John brings decades of experience working for the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources to assist Vermonters in understanding how to be effective in protecting Vermont's environment.

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Justin Lindholm

President, Mendon

Adam Guettel

Vice President, Tinmouth

Robbin Clark

Secretary, Lowell

Jennifer Baker

Treasurer, Monkton

Carol Irons


Alison Despathy
